Caledonia CapitalCaledonia CapitalCaledonia Capital

Services Grid

Private Equity

Focus on situations in the context of equity capital whereby investors foresee attractive ex ante ROI and medium-term exit via liquidity event.
Focus on situations in the context of equity capital whereby investors foresee attractive ex ante ROI and medium-term exit via liquidity event.

Structured Transactions and Securitizations

Arrangements with a certain level of structural complexity seeking to maximize funding levels and the value assigned to collateral with the occasional use of equity...
Arrangements with a certain level of structural complexity seeking to maximize funding levels and the value assigned to collateral with the occasional use of equity...

Trade Finance

Export and import financing which go beyond the usual short and medium-term alternatives.
Export and import financing which go beyond the usual short and medium-term alternatives.

Credit structures in foreign and local currencies

Proprietary origination and structuring of corporate credit opportunities in both USD and local currency in the industrial, logistics and agribusiness sectors, among...
Proprietary origination and structuring of corporate credit opportunities in both USD and local currency in the industrial, logistics and agribusiness sectors, among...